
Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Deaf President Now Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Deaf President Now - Essay ExampleThe knowledge started on march 6 1988 up to march 13 1988 and was led by Greg Hlibok, Tim Rarus, Bridgetta Bourne and Jerry Covel who were students in the institution involved in leadership positions. When the deaf people set their goals, they are very headstrong and do their best to achieve them. The Gallaudet University protest was very significant since it symbolized that the deaf people and other physically challenged persons could manage themselves. The capabilities of deaf people are often treated with uncertainty. Additionally, it is clear that the deaf education in United States has been neglected for long preventing the deaf persons to compete for equal opportunities with other members of the society.Teacher David is a revolutionary person, which makes me recall he could have been a student at the Gallaudet University during the time of the protest. Additionally, he believes that the deaf are receptive of being successful like other grou ps of people.Gallaudet University has had three deaf presidents. Dr. Jordan was the first deaf president who was official after the 1988 protest. He was president for 20 years and stepped down in 2006. Robert Davila, who reigned as president for the succeeding(a) three years, succeeded Dr. Jordan. After Davila, Alan Hurwitz was appointed in 2010 and remains the president of Gallaudet University up to date.Conclusively, the Gallaudet University protest helped in removing the barriers that had undo the deaf from the rest of the community.

Monday, April 29, 2019

Rethinking the European Integration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 2

Rethinking the European Integration - Essay ExampleEuropean integration as it exists today is largely confined to the domain of economics. In other words, the dismantling of promote movement barriers between nations, the floating of a common currency, the adoption of common laws pertaining to trade and commerce, are completely outside the purview of domestic/internal policy. To this extent, the constituent nations retain their cultural and social uniqueness, while soothe benefiting from new economic opportunities created within Europe. This essay will look into the advantages and challenges created by the process of integration by way of studying its various facets.Given the long history of war and conflict between European nations, there emerged a need for a strong commitment toward cooperation and mutual benefit. The first step toward this reconciling framework was initiated with the formation of Council of Europe and the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights a nd Fundamental Freedoms in the division 1950. An impressive 40 European nations subscribed to the resolutions carried forward in the convention. Yet, the Council of Europe remained a peripheral universe as the continent was divided in two during the Cold War. It would be another forty age for the next significant step toward integration, which came with the fall of Berlin Wall in 1989 and with it the collapse of the Soviet Union. The commitment toward peaceful relations within Europe resumed with the signing of Maastricht Treaty in 1993, which was further expanded in the choose of Fundamental Rights in the year 2000. The Charter drew together all EU-protected personal, civil, political, economic, and social rights into a superstar text. But it goes beyond simply restating already respected human rights by addressing specifically modern issues such as bio-ethics and protecting personal information and data. (Nagel, 2004)

Sunday, April 28, 2019

The Balanced Scorecard & the Financial Perspective Essay

The Balanced Scorecard & the Financial Perspective - audition ExampleIn todays time whether it be a for- pelf-organization or a not-for-profit organization, has to set out various strategicalal business models in order to manage and sustain their organization. Similarly, the rehabilitation centre got into strategic planning long ago. There had been various consultants who provided counseling to the centre on implementation of proper strategic business models for the smooth functioning of the organization. The centre tried to adapt these strategic business model base on the inputs provided by various consultants unless the implementation of such models were very difficult for the centre since they were into definition different types of services and these services were d unrivaled not for profit. The management was unable to push floor the strategic plan to the lower levels, from where it has to be started, hence the centre couldnt never avail the desired outcomes. afterward years of pushing and pulling into the implementation of strategic business models, the management finally appointed a Director of strategic planning, who in turn after thorough scanning and exploration of various levels of strategic planning plow decided to utilize the concept of Balanced Scorecard. The main objective of implementation was to aline each area within the center itself with the overall strategic plan. This concept was similar to breaking down of big activities into smaller parts so that even difficult task can be spotless in time (Kazmi, 2002). The mission and vision statement of the organization was to become a leader in providing and assessing desired services to people with disabilities. The implementation of Balance scorecard was difficult at initial stages but as the top level management understood the importance and effectiveness of Balance scorecard, implementation became bend easier at later stages though the outcome measurement for many areas remained a di fficult task as the clients at the center are people with developmental disabilities. Analysis The main purpose of a offset scorecard is that it helps an organization to adhere to it mission and vision statement while aligning all its activities to one direction. A Balance Scorecard has iv perspectives namely the learning and growth perspective, internal business process perspective, customer perspective and the financial perspective. Based on these four perspectives it can be viewed the organization from these four broad perspectives. The four perspective of the Cattaraugus County rehabilitation Centre has been discussed below Customer Perspective In the customer perspective the main goal is to amend the quality of services provided to the customer by the center. It has again 2 aspects to it, first, by providing better services through narrowing down the gap of unfulfilled services same allowing various supports to families of the souls with disabilities, by improving the acce ss facilities to customer for the services etc. Secondly, by giving the families and individual maximum independence and recognition for e.g. by providing various opportunities to the individuals in their community, helping them to develop various learning like sustaining relationships, developing various skills in them, providing them with opportunities to work , by working on plans based on the feedback provided by the customers etc. Financial perspective The main objective of any organization is maximize profit through increased

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Relevant Information for Decision Making Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Relevant Information for finale Making - Essay Examplepacking with this eventual end in mind would be something that the companion would be losing money on in the short run yet something that it was willing to doing order to two see to the needs of the environment as well as engage the customer with the idea that it was a primary focus of the brand to seek to develop a degree of sustainability. Naturally, as with any primal decision, relevant and non-relevant be both(prenominal) concomitantors into such an implementation. As such, this brief analysis will consider the relevant and non-relevant costs associated with managements decision with regards to aforementioned issue. The change mechanism which will be discussed herein took place over a period of two weeks during the beginning of September 2012.Of course the relevant costs associated with such a change will necessarily be those associated with the differential between the cost of move to provide the old form of packaging as opposed to the new. With respect to this differential, as has been noted, it will be more expensive for the firm to engage in the new form of packaging due to the fact that it will require new and emergent technology to be utilized in seeking to smother the overall amount of waste generated as well as seeking to ensure that the waste that is generated is both photosynthetically degradable as well as biodegradable in enhanced ways.Similarly, the key non-relevant cost associated with this decision is the way and degree to which the customer will readily embrace the new packaging and/or find themselves wretched with the changes that have been wrought. This concern is of course highly relevant and important in an industry that is oftentimes character to the dissatisfaction of consumers based on no other rational than a key component of expected look on that they have grown accustomed to has changed or is slightly differentiated than before (Argawal et al 2011).Implementing such a change was not especially difficult from the employee approach as

Friday, April 26, 2019

How to prepare for final exams Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

How to prepare for final exams - Essay ExampleThe schedule should deal sufficient time to learning for each of his or her exam subjects. The scene should keep up with the sort work and ensure that he or she attends the classes regularly in order to track all the readings and study notes consistently. One must be sure to allow enough time for quality sleep and energetic physical exercises.The exam expression stage is achievable by purchasing a calendar and outlining a daily schedule of the study topics. A self-mini review is essential after completing a topic. It helps in self-evaluation and assessment. The stage is fully dependent on self-discipline and demands a maximum discipline towards observing and chase a schedule to the latter.The second step in the final exam preparation is to identify bother areas per subject. The step enables the student to downstairsstand extensively and take notes summary on the particular areas of technicality (Smiderle and ballpark 2011). At th is step, the student should make portable flashcards that enable him, or her review the area of technicality on a regular basis. The candidate should consult the professors on areas that he or she does not comprehend in order to receive guidance and teaching adequately.The third step in final exam preparation is to revise the previous tests done by the candidate and other final exam past paper completed in the previous years. The papers are good resources and give the candidate confidence of facing a final exam having mastered the trend and nature of the exams. The candidate should not cram the questions, kinda should synthesize and understand the contents of the study areas completely.The candidate should skim and scan over all the notes in order to remind him, or her about contents previously taught. That gives the candidate an idea of the contents of the subjects under study. Choosing a serene and convenient venue for study is a fundamental consideration that a candidate shoul d

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Organizational Culture and Quality Management Practices Assignment

Organizational polish and Quality Management Practices - Assignment ExampleIn the same way, technology also seems to be extremely significant in the process of developing effective competitive strategies (Hill, 2008, p. 72). Technology makes the production of goods and services to be postgraduately efficient and effective, which is desirable for business activities.Amidst an increase in the number of businesses that are emerging in different industries, the need for high standards of quality is something that cannot be overlooked. Different industries have different ways by which they develop and apply quality standards in their management approaches. The use of quality standards ensures that the goods and services that are fabricate follow certain standards and guidelines. According to Horowitz (2010), quality management is an approach that business organizations use in enhancing client loyalty and success in their operations. This is because customers prefer associating with co mpanies that are known to have standards of product and service management. In this paper, I will be examining the process of development and application of quality standards in the organization that I work for as a sourcing manager, which is the healthcare industry.Goes (2013), explains that the use of quality standards is something that has existed for a very long time in different industries. The need to develop and use measures and standards in the production process often shows that a business is geared towards developing and maintaining its market share. An organization that follows this trend indicates conscious efforts in achieving conformity, reducing high levels of variations and controlling the quality features of their goods and services. All these efforts are often made with the intention of replicating desirable outcomes and making improvements in the management processes of particular business organizations.

Participative budgeting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Participative budgeting - Essay ExampleIn the case where Costa Rica, cayenne and Mauritius were selected to investigate the performance of pro-poor outcomes, evidence showed that the project was indispensable not only to strengthen democracy in the countries but also to ensure that the most pressing of necessity of the population were reflected in the government expending (Liao and Zhang, 2012).Methods like public meeting, focus groups, simulation, committee and surveys have been used so that the citizens can participate in the budget adoption (Jason et al, 2009). However, public meetings are not very good at giving citizens subscribe to influence but they can be used as forums for preliminary information sharing (OToole and Marshall, 1988). Citizen booking in budgeting, brings out potential goals like informing decision-making, educating participants on the budget, gaining support for budget proposals, influencing decision making and enhancing trust and creating a sense of commu nity.In Brazil, the farming and civil society have always been practically more intertwined that the liberal conceptualization. Capitalism was implemented in Brazil by the Portuguese patrimonial state with loyal court as the center for the power (Novy and Leubolt, 2005). In Porto Alegre as all over Brazil, approach movements emerged in the 1970s. Residents mainly of irregular, poorer districts rebelled against the government lack of interest in acting for their benefits. Participatory budgeting involves direct and confirmative democracy since there is sharing of power with the people and thus it will satisfy the basic needs like in Brazil where improvement in education was seen (Mirko, 2014). Participatory budgeting was an attempt to elaborate an ersatz model of governance. The strategy showed legitimacy in strengthening civil society in the local forms of socialism. amicable innovation and an open

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Romantic music and development of Renaissance painting Essay

Romantic harmony and development of Renaissance painting - Essay useAnother similarity between Romantic music and paintings during Renaissance lies in the fact that they both drop a great emphasis on the importance of the figure of the artist. It would not be a steal to suggest that the cultural titans of Italy were as much respected as their counterparts in the musical world of europium during Romanticism. Indeed, in that period every person who was able to create a fine piece of music was considered to be extremely talented and was approved by the public. Just wish art in the multiplication of Renaissance, music during Romanticism was considered to be the highest of arts so the people who wanted to devote their live to it were considered to be exceptional. There is one more point that should be mentioned while considering the development of the two concepts that were discussed above. Thus, just like during Renaissance, Romanticism in music contri moreovered to the emergence o f the new perception of this kind of serviceman activity. One business leader point out that visual art, just like music have existed in within human civilization for thousands of years, it was those two periods when people started to treat them in a different manner. This process, accompanied by the revivification of interest, is what truly differed those periods from others. Some researchers argue that Renaissance made the aesthetic thought of humanity look backwards, but move forward with what they saw in the past. However, in order to get a better reasonableness of the relationship between the two notions in question.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

The relationships between prison inmates and correction officers in Essay

The relationships between prison inmates and correction officers in regaurds to violence - essay ExampleThe workshops argon managed by inmate trainers, but with the support and involvement of outsidevolunteer co-trainers. AVP workshops are typic in ally two or three days in length, depending on the specific module. Both inmates, as well as outside trainers are volunteers, their qualifications being completion of all AVP modules in addition to the train-the-trainer workshop.Participants branch with the basic workshop, progress to the advanced, and from there to the adjunct modules which include Bias Awareness and Manly Awareness. The ethnographic study, unblemished in May of 2001 (Sloane 2001), suggested that AVP participants behaviors were modified by their involvement in these workshops.Prisons are essentially closed institutions. To all but the state employees who work in them, the prisoners confined in them and the officials who are permitted access, prisons are generally unfa thomable from public view. Under special authority extended to the Correctional Association since 1846, members of its Prison Visiting citizens committee can enter prisons, interview inmates and staff, and communicate their findings and recommendations to state policymakers and the public. While the Correctional Association does not construct authority to mandate change, it uses its knowledge of prison operations to advocate for reform to those who do run through that authority. ground on observations of the Correctional Associations Prison Visiting Committee from visits to 25 state correctional facilities conducted between run into 1998 and October 2001, key problems and areas for reform based on conversations with hundreds of inmates and correctional staff are mentioned here and/or set forth in the individual prison reports- Youth Assistance Programs in which inmates and correction staff volunteer as counselors to at-risk youth from the community- The Puppies Behind Bars prog ram, where inmates train puppies to become seeing-eye dogs- The piloting of an in-cell substance abuse discussion program for inmates in disciplinary confinement- Mandatory academic programming for inmates who read and/or have a math score below the ninth-grade level- Parenting programs featuring structured groups and parenting education classes- Family visitor centers at 36 facilities to provide inmate family members with a place to refresh themselves prior to entering the prison- The installation of automatonlike Electronic Defibrillators in every state correctional facility- Aggression Replacement Therapy provided by happy inmate facilitators to help prisoners identify and control aggressive behavior and- Earned Eligibility and Merit Time programs, which requite certain nonviolent offenders who meet various program requirements with the possibility of early release.Motivation levels at the scar of the workshops

Monday, April 22, 2019

The Use of Social Media on Small and Medium Hospitality Enterprise Essay

The Use of accessible Media on Small and Medium Hospitality Enterprise - Essay ExampleMoreover, all the bedrooms and other cordial reception services of the organizations are highly decorated that would attract the tourists at large. It is also detect that High Beeches is unrivaled of such(prenominal) SMTEs, which extensively expenditured the notion of social media in order to generate greater ken about is respective products and/or services to the worldwide customers. Besides this, the organization has also undertaken the strategy of promoting its products and/or services by selling and distributing done Trip Advisors and others. Contextually, in order to undergo a triple-crown study of the topic with regards to High Beeches B&B as the organization, a literature review is performed through the support of relevant and recent scholarly articles. Furthermore, a case study of the selected SMTE i.e. High Beeches B&B is conducted by using the approach of qualitative methodology wi th the greater focus on secondary sources. In this regard, for the successful completion of the case study, the current scenario of the SMTE has been comprehensively studied. It also includes the identification of the problems faced by the SMTE relating to the use of social media for promoting its respective products and/or services. Finally, certain effective solutions have also been framed for resolving such problems in the form of providing recommendations and a valid conclusion has been made in the lasts section pertaining to the case study. In this modern era of a competitive business environment and the evolution of pioneering technological advancements with regards to communication, it is often observed that a majority of the corporate houses of this contemporary world use social media networking sites to promote their respective products and/or services. The use of social media for promoting the products is equally applicable for the SMTEs.

Sunday, April 21, 2019

How to be happy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

How to be happy - Essay ExampleThe quote illustrates the differences in perceptions, the complexities in the decree and peace of mind that results from personal fulfillment. Equally, people have particular hobbies and leisure activities. There is no signal in support that someones view of life or actions shall please everyone. It is in this consideration that the quote becomes handy by telling people to take responsibility for their happiness. The society will unendingly find a fault in someones actions, dressing, education levels, or development. It is imperative to bore what you feel comfortable in and aim to make life enjoyable.The society has mixed characters, and we have to watch to accommodate everyone without hurting our feelings. Some people appreciate our efforts while others are jealous of every progress. Therefore, to be happy people should not care about others views so long as the actions are right. merriment emanates from an individuals satisfaction with him/her self. Hence, persons should act according to their principles to reduce instances of stress, acquire life fulfillment and happiness. Precisely, life is a cycle. The actions we undertake in the present shall influence our future. However, it is important to incorporate the aspect of ones happiness in the pursuit of good health and long life. It is also essential to note that we are responsible for our happiness. We may end up living a boring and stressful life if we undertake happiness from other persons. Therefore, take action to improve and appreciate yourself.

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Biology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 17

Biology - Essay ExampleThere were no fossils available at this time to make comparisons or linkages. As a result what was available was visual and the comparison was made to gorillas and chimpanzees which included bonobos. Authors and researchers A. C. Wilson and V. M. Sarich wrote that quantitative comparisons made of serum albumins, transferrins, hemoglobins, and DNA show that man is more than(prenominal) similar to African Apes than to old world monkeys. They argued that the inference made by some regarding monkeys to men is not correct. (Wilson, Sarich 1088) This argument is made well simply beca character the original argument made by Darwin as Dawkins points push through was in favor of Apes and chimpanzees versus monkeys. Additional support for the theories originally postulated by Darwin abounds as a result of the use of DNA.Dawkins addresss the various fossils and skeletons found, Ape Man, Java man, Peking man and more and debunk the creationist salute in this regard. H e does make it clear that he respects the creationists approach regarding the use of arguments that are not reasonable, though his disdain for them shines through in the surrounding texts. Though the argument against the missing links has valid points, the author Dr. Marvin Lubenow makes it clear that the fossil presentations can be called into question simply because they cannot be definitively shown to be compassionate or of human ancestry. (Lubenow 10-17) Dawkins continues to place what is known and accepted ahead of these arguments however, and shows that some of the more lurid attempts to dispute the fossil records are not based in science but in popular belief.As we read through the next two chapters we are quickly made to see that some of the more normal arguments made against evolution truly are baseless. One argument for which Dawkins quotes a brilliant result is the argument that man could come from a single cell. The response is swift

Friday, April 19, 2019

Analysis of the Constitution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Analysis of the Constitution - Essay compositors caseFrom the mainly well known incorporated in the Constitution, to the Rights Declaration provoked by the Stamp correspond to the Avowal of Rights of Virginia articulated by Mason George for his country. Even nowadays, people talk of the actually indefinable quantity of Rights of Patient. What is motivating to note down is that in the event the Constitutional Convention completed its exertion, it did failed to uncover it inwrought to take account of a bill of rights in the concluding edition. Several associates, remarkably Mason George, were improbably disenchanted by this judgment and declined to sign the article over the matter. The disagreement was that on the notion that the body structure did not offer the new-fangled federal administration the aptitude to confine intrinsic rights, so no criminal record of those cultivated liberties was needed. Others were apprehensive that on stipulations that the rights were recorded, th ey would perpetually forget a upshot of them and the record would continually be curtailed. As a final point, the dispute was that the every solid ground had their individual constitutions, as well and that civil rights were unsurpassed confined at the level of any State. Of all the concerns that those who did not support Federalists offered for rebuffing the new-fangled Charter, the shortage of a bill of rights compelled to be the most convincing for countless people. In the endorsement credentials of five States, desires or stresses for a bill of rights were incorporated in the wording, together with recommended lists. This can be seen in the endorsement cover of Massachusetts, New Hampshire and New York. The Island of Rhode as well incorporated a record, but they sanctioned the Constitution interest the primary Congress accepting the Bill of Rights. The Federalists were conflicting to totaling a bill of rights, clarifying on the reasonableness on stipulations in Federalist 8 4 of Alexander Hamilton. Along with the rationales listed was a record of the individual defenses the new contain did enclose, for instance the exclusion of ex post facto decrees, proscription of a spiritual test to embrace office, and limitations on a certainty of treachery. Federalist 85 dealt with the topic, as well, noting that modification is constantly likelihood after authorization. It churns out, once the stratum of authorization was done, that this was precisely the itinerary taken. The opening Congress under the Charter had a large number of things to carry out. It had numerous new authorities not presented to the Congress in the Confederation Articles, and each State had benefits it wanted to defend. James Madison, perceived by a majority of people as the Constitution founder, had succeeded a place in the House of Representatives, in a row partially on a pulpit that incorporated a bill of rights brawl. This might appear odd because Madison was among those who supported the oversight of much(prenominal) record of rights. However, other than he eventually became persuaded of the inevitability. The most important personal right is the eighth Amendment. It states that profligate bond shall not be a requisite, nor excessive charges forced, nor unkind and strange punishments imposed. This is law is important because the nonage will not be oppressed by those in authority. The tenth amendment should be scrapped off as it states that the authority not specified to the US by the charter, nor forbidden by it to the republics or states, are protected to the states correspondingly, or to the

Entrepreneurial Behaviour Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Entrepreneurial Behaviour - Essay ExampleHowever, it has been provided so that the individual analyst can control what an entrepreneur is necessarily espouses in the broadest sense. Harkening back to the question at hand, whether or not an entrepreneur is natural or made, the analyst should consider the fact that the ultimate answer to this question is both, neither, and some mixture in between. Far from world a clever manipulation of words, it will be the express intent of this picky analysis to define how the entrepreneur requires skills that ar inherent to some individuals, how other individuals can learn these, and how a synergy between the two types of individuals is ultimately possible. Through such an identification is the hope of the student that the contributor will come away with a more informed interpretation of what the entrepreneur espouses and how individuals without a authoritative level of entrepreneurial spirit or gift can effectively navigate within this exc eptional paradigm.Firstly, it should be noted that as with any skill set that one learns in life, there are inherently individuals that are born to a natural level of talent in terms of being an entrepreneur. Some individuals have necessarily understood this to mean that the entrepreneur is with someone that is somehow genetically dispose to be an effective entrepreneur and to gain a degree of notoriety and success in its accomplishment. However, flipping this channel on its head, the reader should note the fact that certain individuals are born with a certain list to playing music, others with a certain proclivity to art, and still others with a certain proclivity to memorization etcetera etc. However, this does not mean that educators, or the parents, should despair that their child will never be a musician, artist, etc., instead, it merely means that the educational process will need to be engaged at a further level of length and perhaps a further level of rigor in coif for the

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Group Therapy Quantitative Essay

Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Group Therapy Quantitative Analysis oblige - Essay ExampleThis paper aims at establishing the authors potentiality in utilizing the main question methodologies to conduct the proposed explore on cognitive behavioral group therapy in promoting performance among college students. Article on Quantitative Analysis Article 1 Ilkhchi, S., Poursharifi H., and Alilob, M 2011 The effectiveness of Cognitive-Behavioral Group Therapy on self-efficacy and assertiveness among loathsome female students of high schools, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 30 2586 2591. This article primarily focusses on the effectiveness of cognitive behavioral group therapy on promoting self-efficacy and assertiveness among nauseated female students of high schools. Analysis of Research brain This article seeks to answer the question of how effective is cognitive behavioral group therapy on promoting self-efficacy and assertiveness among anxious female students of high schools. The research paper first asserts that high school students particularly girls are predisposed to various stressors that make them prone to stress. The research paper asserts that effective therapy methods can be employ to elevate assertiveness and self-efficacy thereby preparing students for better academic performance (Beck, Epstein, Brown, & Steer, 1988). The research paper makes it clear that counseling in high schools is indeed an important activity and it should be encouraged. The researcher of this article has used interviews to collect data, used quantitative method to analyze the data and then interpret the research findings thereby answering the research question. Methodology Used The research article has taken on quantitative research methodology. A illustration sample of high school girls, who have demonstrated various anxiety symptoms according to a present standard, are selected for the study (Colter, & Guerra, 1976). Their anxiety levels are predete rmined and recorded. The students are then exposed to counseling therapy for a given time after which the anxiety levels are determined again. The values are analyzed exploitation SPSS method and research findings presented in figures. Quantitative research methodology is a research method that seek to establish the reasons why certain phenomenon occurs the way they do (Jacobs, & Cochran, 1980). The research was aimed at establishing why people train anxiety from low self-efficacy and non-assertiveness through cognitive behavior group therapy (CGBT). Findings From the studies conducted, it was established that the mean of self-efficacy and assertiveness were in cross range. The level of anxiety in every individual was found to have a rail correlation with his or her scores of self-efficacy and assertiveness. The selected population was found to have means of 37.13, 31.53 and 34.66 for interventions, placebo and control respectively. The standard aside or deviation of each sample for the mean was found to be 9.53, 3.39 and 5.85 for each of the three settings respectively. conceive for self-efficacy and assertiveness were found to be 47.26 and 92.86. Standard deviations fro the different cases were found to be 10.06 and 24.84 respectively. Discussions The study was conducted to establish CBGT for assertiveness and self-efficacy among high school students. According to the findings, anxious students have strong

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Contemporary Economic Policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4750 words

Contemporary Economic Policy - Essay ExampleWhat is needed is not less than an nix revolution itself. This World Energy Outlook demonstrates how that might be achieved through crucial policy action and at what cost. It also describes the consequences of failure.Take oil for example, which is the worlds essential supply of energy and allow for remain so for many years to come, even under the most optimistic of assumptions about the step of growth and exploitation of alternative technology. But the sources of oil to meet rising demand, the cost of producing Oil and the prices that consumers leave alone need to pay for it are extremely uncertain and constantly fluctuating, perhaps more than ever. The surge in prices in recent years drastically ending in the price spike of 2008, joined with such(prenominal) greater short-term price instability, hire highlighted just how sensitive prices are to short-term market im reliefs. They have also alerted people to the ultimately finite nat ure of oil (and natural gas) resources. In fact, the immediate adventure to supply is not one of a deficiency of global resources, but rather a lack of investment funds where it is needed. Upstream investment has been rising rapidly in nominal terms, but much of the augmentation is repayable to heaving costs and the need to battle rising decline rates - especially in higher-cost provinces out of doors of OPEC. Today, most capital goes to exploring for and developing high-cost reserves, partly because of limitations on international oil company access to the cheapest resources. Expanding end product in the lowest-cost countries will be central to meeting the worlds needs at reasonable cost in the face of dwindling resources in most parts of the world and accelerating decline rates everywhere.1. IntroductionThe joined Kingdom has been a net importer of energy resources (Oil and Gas) the energy sector itself has a big chunk in the over-all providence of the nation. However with t he ever fluctuating and unpredictable fuel prices, it does not seem like a feasible greet to depend on traditional energy resources. A better and more farm energy policy needs to be prepared and implemented.The purpose of this paper is to highlight key energy consumption trends in the UK, review the energy policy and come up with a better approach towards dealing with the economic impact of energy.The energy industries in the UK play an innermost role in the economy by producing, transforming and supplying energy in its various forms to all sectors. They are also major contributors to the UKs balance of payments through the exports of crude oil and oil products (National Statistics Publication 2007).i) 4.8 per cent of GDPii) 8.6 per cent of total investmentiii) 44.3 per cent of industrial investmentiv) 137,800 people directly employed (5 per cent of indus

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

The development of an individual Essay Example for Free

The development of an individualist EssayIncome, money is forever a problem when theres not enough of it, Money will always have an impact on peoples lives, In the UK there argon millions of people still living in poverty, even with all the benefit schemes in place. Physically Adults with a low with a low income whitethorn be slightly more overweight than someone with a high income ascribable to the fact that they cannot throw money on gyms, healthy foods and so on, if they have children theyre most likely to follow the same way. Its been prove that those who live in poorer aras dont live as long. Intellectually With the education today (mainly universities) prices ar increasing largely.Those who are the lower class wont benefit as much as those whom are in the higher class. This includes both teenagers and adults. Emotionally Not bringing in a lot of money can motivate you seriously it can make you depressed, worried, sad, it may also make you lose motivation instead of gaining it. existence an adult you have larger responsibilities than a teenager, Adults with a family have to support each person at heart that family and with a low income this can dumbfound impossible. Socially Younger people will find it harder in these areas due to the appearance the present and it may end up in conflict towards society i.e. gangs, robberies, do drugs dealing and so on. Where as adults have the whole financial problems on the shoulders. No matter what they do theyll always be stuck for money, which then also impacts their childrens lives. Nutrition and dietary choices, its always in the media telling us how to look what to eat what to wear, but who said people have to look a certain way, I agree yes that if you are overweight youre cutting your years shorter however theres people out there that are that perfect Size-Zero who may smoke or drink excessive amount of alcohol which probably shortens your life even more.Physically Both adults and teenagers may be able to do more things such as sports and so on. If an adult smokes or drinks they are lowering the lung capacity and heightening the risk of cancer. Intellectually It may persuade you to go to work or get a job in the first place, due to you mood and how much you like to socialise with people. Most people who are doing more manual jobs are more likely to smoke rather than those who work in offices and so on. Emotionally Diets arent all that spoilt they can improve your moods and make you feel great about yourself, but they can also do the opposite if you cant lose the weight that you want to.Adults and teenagers are getting similar in impairment of dieting, most adult want to look good and teenagers are now starting to read the media and become anxious about how they look. Socially You may also socialise a lot more than normal as well especially if you go to gyms on a regular basis, youre bound to meet upstart people and make friends. Even though its bad for your health, smo kers are more likely to meet new people due to the smoking ban and having to go outside.

Monday, April 15, 2019

Discuss the nature and quality of make-belief play Essay Example for Free

Discuss the personality and quality of draw in-belief play EssayDiscuss the nature and quality of make-belief play, and the particular ways in which it relates to drama.Drama in education requires an atmosphere of playfulness. We must be prepared to play with ideas, our bodies, voice, self and others. Young electric razorren do this naturally, learning by thrilling experience of living. Children make their world in ways not dissimilar from theatrical form. Childrens play and theatre can be seen as constituting two ends of a continuum.These are theatre games and theatre. Drama in education inhabits the area in between. It can move towards the play end, where very(prenominal) young children are engaging in drama that is sozzled to their own form of free play. The difference, however, is that it takes place as a result of instructor intervention, in that the teacher locates the drama activity in a particular aspect of living. Older students may work very close to the theatre end of the continuum, where performance skills and communicative intention are paramount. At any one(a) time, the teacher of drama needs to know at what point on the continuum she/he is working.For young children, melo melodramatic play provides a journey into the world of lets pretend, where they can readily transform themselves into the role of any face they choose. A story can be created as a script, often with a theme, where expressive actions generate a sequence of events that construct the plot. Whether the style of drama appears connected to occupations such as being a fire-fighter, a community happening such as a big snowstorm, or a fancied representation of The Three Bears, children are actors, producers, directors and set designers. By engaging in meaningful dialogue, their language and non-verbal gestures stepwise reveal what they know and what they want to express.Dramatic play benefits children in all developmental areas. As children call for in fantasy play, they re-live experiences by symbolically imitating what they observe around them. Through childrens interpersonal relationships within socio-dramatic play, opportunities rotate for in-depth thinking such as imagining, recalling, reasoning and negotiating (Vygotsky). By exploring lifes situations from the community and home, a child can spiel an identity that fulfils personal emotional needs and desires.The compelling urge to become physically powerful and socially dominant is fulfilled when a child adopts the role of a superheroine such as Princess Xena .While a traumatic family event can be played out as therapeutic drama when a child transfers inner feelings of rejection or hostility towards dolls or soft toys. The need for reassurance can be provided in dramatic play when a child knows it is acceptable to take on the role of being a baby, so that any sense of displacement, caused by the arrival of a new sibling within the family, is eased. Children have the exemption to be active a nd spontaneous in dramatic play, because, as Eden says, it can be undertaken without meet for external goals and sanctions.

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Vulnerability Assessment Essay Example for Free

Vulnerability sound judgment EssayThe importance and criticality of pee for the existence, continuity, safety and comfort of kind existence has remained acknowledged since the beginning of human life. Different generations and civilizations save tried in various ways to harness it for diverse purposes, for sustenance, transportation, human safety, irrigation, power generation, and industry. spot preliminary civilizations were content with settling or so pissing sources, or in compasss with greater rainfall, advances in technology and increases in population, overhear led (a) to the emergence of relinquishs like urbanization, sanitation, control of weeweeborne diseases, water supply discourse, depletion, conservation, and reuse, (b) to the extensive study of water resources and water cycles, and (c) to the formulation and implementation of various actions to ensure its appropriate use for human comfort and development. novel decades drive seen the development of is sues like widespread asphalting and concreting in urban rural areas, sharply increased expects for water on a planetary basis, increased contamination of naturally available water, disturbances in water cycles because of pollution and global warming, and terrorist threats aimed at contaminating or damaging water storage and supply systems. Water supply, and its availability for human usage, has thus become increasingly vulnerable to diverse forces, forcing administrations and decision makers to respond with short and long experimental condition strategies to reduce water vulnerability, now and in the future.Objective The three county region of Palm margin, Broward, and Miami-Dade, in grey Florida, represents one such area in the United States where rapid urbanization, increasing population and significant increases in water consumption have led to increased water vulnerability and to carefully thought go forth and constructed responses by administrators and policymakers to co unter this development, both in the short and long term. This identification aims to study, assess and analyze the issue on the basis of the following requirements, parameters and assumptions Identification of supply and demand factors that, at present, define and affect water supply for specified tri county region on the basis of research. Identification and assessment of the natural and manmade hazards that can before long affect water supplies in the three counties. Forecasting of the likely environment, and identification of water supply and demand issues after 60 years, i. e. , in 2067, considering that (a) half the existing square footage of impervious surface is added every 30 years, (b) an other(a) 50% of the existing footage is remodeled every 30 years, and, the annual population grows at the rate of 1.5% annually. Identification of measures to (a) mitigate adverse impacts to water supply and (b) to adapt buildings to the projected realities of 2067, on the basis of a comparative assessment of water supply vulnerability in 2007 and 2067. The research effort depends primarily upon material available on the subject by way of texts, journals, and magazines, in electronic and print format, as sanitary as on official and other websites. All information sources are available in the bibliography.The assignment is structured into sections that deal with issues sequentially and thus enable progression of ideas and cohesion of thought. 2. Current inquire and show Factors that define and affect Water Supply in the Palm Beach, Broward, and Miami-Dade counties of Confederate Florida. The Tri County area in Southern Florida lies in the southeastern tip of the United States, the peninsular finger like landmass that stretches into the oceans, bounded by the Atlantic on the east and the Gulf of Mexico on the west.Apart from its unique, practically tropical ecosystem, the Tri County area is salutary known for its diverse heathen structure, its agricultural produce, its burgeoning population, its rapid urbanization, and its sophisticated and controlled water management system. All these factors, bionomic and anthropogenic, have led to opposing environmental stresses, burgeoning demand, and a complex and vulnerable water supply situation. (Blake) a. Demand Demand factors have thus been governed by burgeoning population, increased demand for agricultural water, greater use of unskilled facilities, and increased industrial demand.Demand for water has increased significantly during the last four decades. The population of the tri county area has increased from about 3500 in 1900 to more than five and a half million in 2006, devising it one of the most densely inhabited areas of the USA. This sharp growth in population is due, apart from migration from other states and organic growth of local population, to significant immigration influx, which, in turn has led to a multi ethnic and multicultural demographic structure. The present populat ion of 5. 5 million consists of 1.29 million people sprightliness in Palm Beach, 2. 4 million in Miami-Dade, and 1. 79 million in Broward. The population is a mix of white, African American, Hispanic, Native American, and Asian ethnicity, the continuous expansion occurring because of agricultural development and expansion in the early and middle years of the 20th century, its substitution by industry and mining, and extensive urbanization. Water is demand for municipal, agricultural, recreational, industrial, and power generation necessitates. Usage of water in the Tri County increased, by about 250%, between 1965 and 2000, i.e. , from 875 to 2140 Mgal/day. (Impact of Anthropogenic nurture on Coastal Ground-Water Hydrology in southeastern Florida, 1900-2000) b. Supply Supply of water in the Tri County area is met in approximately proportions by surficial aquifer and ground water systems. Ground water is the principal source of municipal supply and is obtained from numerous well fields. Water for agricultural purposes comes largely from surface sources in Palm Beach and Miami Dade, and while its requirement had steadily increased until the late 80s, has since declined because of substitution.Freshwater in the Tri County is limited in measurement and is of inadequate quality. Groundwater has been subjected to surface contamination and by underground table saltwater incursion. Some wells are near landfills, treatment plants, and contaminated sites, and are thus vulnerable to increasing contamination. Some areas still rely upon pussy tank sanitation and private wells, both of which can cause public health problems. The Tri County area is characterized by high evapotranspiration, periodic floods and drouths, and infrequent hurricanes. Annual precipitation is between 50 to 62 inches.(Thomas) The Tri County and contiguous areas have had to suffer the development of a controlled water management system, aimed at using land for urbanization and agriculture, and comprising of a widespread system of canals, levees, impoundments, surface-water control structures, and numerous municipal well fields, used to sustain the present-day Everglades hydrologic system, obstruct overland flow from moving eastward and flooding urban and agricultural areas, maintain water levels to preserve saltwater intrusion, and provide adequate water supply. (Impact of Anthropogenic Development on Coastal Ground-Water Hydrology in Southeastern Florida, 1900-2000) Fast increasing population and rapid urbanization has led to the development of unprecedented urbanization, with consequent asphalting and concreting of great tracts of land. In an area dependent upon potable water ground wells for most of its fresh water resource, this has resulted in depletion of surface and intermediate aquifers, because of the forced routing of rainwater, unable to penetrate impervious concretized and asphalted surfaces, through runoffs and drains, into the seas.(Blake) 3. Identific ation and Assessment of Natural and Anthropogenic Hazards that can Currently Affect Water Supplies in the Tri County Area. Natural hazards in the area can arise from periodic floods and droughts. In fact, a drought like situation in 2007 has resulted in restriction of water supplies. Palm Beach and Broward are under Phase III water restrictions, with stipulations that outdoorsy watering should not occur more than once a week, whereas Miami-Dade is under a Phase II restriction. Hurricanes also occur but are reasonably infrequent.The area has seen massive human intervention for a number of decades, resulting in wide ranging changes to the ecosystem and the development of potentially hazardous situations. Population growth and urbanization have led to changes in the coastal hydrology of the surficial aquifer system. The construction of a complex water management system, involving drain facilities, large well fields, and levees, along with widespread concretization, has led to the dep letion of aquifers and can result in exacerbation of drought like conditions.The population explosion has put enormous stress on sanitation and water treatment facilities, and there is significant risk of drinking contamination where people still depend upon private wells, in particular in areas where septic tanks are still in use. Runoffs from urbanized areas have introduced high level of phosphorus, due north and other contaminants in water bodies, which can certainly pose health hazards if not tackled adequately. These pollutants, along with salt water intrusions can threaten the quality of groundwater, and in fact, have forced new well turn over to move westwards, away from the sea.Ecological damage to existing flora and fauna and to the natural ecosystem has been extensive, resulting in (a) blemish and damage of the water from the natural system due to discharge and seepage, (b) drop in wading boo populations, (c) infestation of land with exotic invasive plants and (d) the development of thousands of contaminated (brownfield) sites. (Thomas) Continuous population expansion, currently pegged at 1. 8% annually can also result in further pressure on water supply to the three counties. 4. Forecasting of Situation in 2067 on the basis of Assumptions provided in the Objectives listed in scratch 1.The situation in 2067, sixty years from now, is unpredictable because of the largely unknown consequences of global warming and its issuance upon annual precipitation, the periodicity of droughts and floods, temperature fluctuations, and the occurrence of hurricanes. Recent disasters like the Tsunami and Katrina have driven home the point that uncertainties in weather and geological behavior are going to become more pronounced, and while predictability is going to be difficult, implementation of early action warning systems could help in mitigating extensive damage to life and property.Projections need to be made upon the basis of certain assumptions, and in the Tri County area depend mainly upon population growth. While the average population growth in the past in this region has averaged 1. 8% annually, the forecasted growth of 1. 5% per annum would lead to the following population figures for the Tri County.

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Ten Most Effective Ways to Improve Your English Essay Example for Free

Ten Most Effective Ways to Improve Your position try on1. Read Read anything and everything in side. You female genital organ show up story books, sacred scripturepapers, magazines, blogs, comics, English textbooks, instructions and ingredients on nutriment packages, advertisements, etc. For story books, dont force yourself to read something too difficult or something you screw you wont enjoy. Make reading fun Read books that you ENJOY reading. I hate to read books that bore me too. Opening up books before you buy one and flicking through them to find one with scads of direct dialogue in it has several advantages. If there is less text on the page ascribable to all the speech marks etc, this can make it easier to read and easier to relieve translations on. Dialogue is also lots easier to discover than descriptive parts of a book, and is much more like the linguistic process you result ask to learn in order to be able to speak English.2. Start your own English lan guage blog Even for people who dont remove to write in English, writing can be a great way of properly teaching the kind of vocabulary you need to describe your own feel and interests, and of thinking about how to stop making grammar mistakes. The problem most people have is that they dont know what to write about. One traditional way to make sure you write every day in English is to write an English diary (journal), and a more up to date way of doing this is to write a blog. Popular topics include your language learning experience, your experience studying abroad, your local area, your language, or translations of your local youngs into English. This is one way for you to give your writing. Blog on something that you love. If you are a fan of movies, start a blog and write about your favourite movies, your favourite characters, what you think could be improved in the movie, what crude movies to expect next year, etc. Besides blogging, try joining online forums, engage in onli ne chatting and more.3. Be outgo friends with a good English dictionary You can use Oxford, Collins, Cambridge, etc. Buy a dictionary that youre comfortable with and USE it at all times. Keep it next to you when youre reading. I always put my favourite Oxford dictionary by my side when Im reading. So when I catch upon a word I dont know, I dont have to bemuse up and look around for it. Its right there by my side. Thus, I have no excuse for not looking the word up Try and familiarize yourself with the phonetic symbols of your dictionary. Look up the correct pronunciation of words that are hard for you to say. Write down words and their definitions in a notebook for future reference it may come in handy4. Watch English movies with subtitles This would be my favourite way of learning English. Not only do I get to have a fun time watching the movie, Id be learning new(a) words at the same time and knowing how to pronounce them Usually, you can get movies with English subtitles on DVDs.5. Listen to English songs Read the lyrics as you listen to the songs. Listen to your favourite songs and sing along to them. Although just audition to a song in English can be a good way of really learning the words of the chorus in an easily memorable way, if you want to really get something out of listening to English music you will need to take some time to read the lyrics of the song with a dictionary. Once you have read and understood the lyrics, if you then listen and read at the same time, this can be a good way of understanding how sounds change in fast, natural, informal speech. 6. Relax and have a positive, confident attitude If you make a mistake or forget a word when you are speech production English its OK Dont be nervous or afraid. The person who youre talking to will understand and be patient with you. If you are insecure when speech English, it will be even more difficult to think of the words you know.7. Learn a new word a day Keep your own vocabulary not ebook and write a new word and its meaning in it every day. Refer to it as often as possible so that the new words will stick in your head. 8. Read aloud in English for at least 15 minutes every day Research has shown it takes about three months of daily practice to develop strong mouth muscles for speaking a new language. Find something you enjoy reading specially if it has a lot of dialogue, and read it aloud. Even if you dont speak aloud, reading as many English books as possible will increase your vocabulary and knowledge of sentence structure. Make sure when you read these books that you understand what the author is trying to say.9. Record your own voice and listen for pronunciation mistakes Many people hate to hear the sound of their voice and avoid listening to themselves speak. However, this is a very important exercise because doing it will help you become conscious of the mistakes you are making.10. Speak the language whenever you can Speak it with friends and family. Y ou can also sing along to English songs Try karaoke Dont be shy to try speaking the language. Dont be afraid that others will tease you. In fact, theyll admire you for your courage and confidence.References1. http//www.malaysia-students.com/2009/08/10-simple-ways-to-improve-your-english.html 2. http//www.espressoenglish.net/speaking-english-10-ways-to-improve/ 3. http//english.learnhub.com/lesson/4231-10-ways-to-improve-the-way-you-speak-english?id=4231-10-ways-to-improve-the-way-you-speak-english 4. http//www.usingenglish.com/articles/70-ways-to-improve-your-english.html

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Nights Dream Essay Example for Free

Nights Dream EssayTask Discuss the importance of semblance in A summer solstice Nights Dream 10c1 English Coursework Magic is probably the of import theme in A summer solstice Nights Dream. It summercaters a vital and extensive component in each story line. Each time Shakespeare uses magic, there is an weighty if subtle consequence. Shakespeare explores many aspects of magic, including how it causes problems and how it solves them. Magic is often use by Shakespeare to support and implement the comedic sections of the play. Before I explore the importance of magic in the play, I must explore magic itself,as it means dissimilar things to different people and to different cultures.Magic is defined in the dictionary as Any contrivance that invokes supernatural powers. However, to other people and the majority of religions, magic is an evil force within the world, practiced by sinners and persecute doers. This sees to be the main view of the society Shakespeare lived in. However, nowadays magic is gener bothy not believed in. This seems to be Shakespeares point of view this stub be seen by his use of magic to create a comedic and insalubrious though certainly not evil- atmosphere throughout the play.In this way, Shakespeare could be seen as a generator a bye of his time. The effects of magic in A Midsummer Nights Dream may have been influenced by the social attitude of the Elizabethan era. During Elizabethan times magic unlike today was widely believed in. It was considered a crime to practise magic and was an offence punishable by law. People (usually single women) were executed if they were pretend of committing this crime. I think that this may have influenced Shakespeare to make magic have such a hammy and often catastrophic effect.An example of the disastrous effects of magic is when Robin Goodfellow pours the spot potion in the wrong mans eye, ca use him to fall in love with another woman. This shows us that magic often has devastati ng and heretoforetful effects, which affect the play as a whole. It in any case insinuates that magic might be a devious, if not evil, force. Magic plays a large and indispensable discover in the plays main plot, with the lovers. Magic is actually used to structure the main story line.This can be seen where Oberon says A sweet lady is in love/ With a disdainful youth anoint his eyes -/ But do it when the next thing he espies/ May be the lady This shows us that magic is an extremely significant theme throughout the play. in that respect would have been no main plot, had Robin Goodfellow not anointed the wrong mans eye with the love potion. Magic also plays an essential part in many of the subplots. This can be seen where Bottoms head is turned into that of an ass. Titania is whence made to love him through magic. This suggests that magic is critical to make the play the comedythat it is. These subplots can seem slightly insignificant and trivial at times, however, they all me rge to create a gripping and raise story. Magic is also used to solve or correct the problems at the end of the play. This can be seen where Shakespeare writes Jack shall have Jill / Nought shall go ill / The man shall have his mare again and all shall be well This can also be seen in Pucks final speech, for example Think except this and all is mended The lovers are all as they were except Demetrius who now loves Helena (though this is agood thing) Bottoms head is restored etc. These, when combined form the resolution/conclusion of the play. Without the use of magic, normality would not have been restored. The play would not have had a proper ending. This supports my opinion that magic plays a fundamental and imperative part in the play. Magic is also used to make the lovers happy. Demetrius is made to fall in love with Helena. Consequently, Hermia can marry Lysander, with whom she is in love. This also makes up a critical part of the conclusion another main role. Magic affe cts the environmental setting in the play.This can be seen when Titania says Therefore the winds, piping to us in void/As in revenge for having sucked up the sea This shows us that the whole of constitution has been set off balance by a mere argument between the rulers of the fairies. This shows us the excitement and extent to which magic influences the setting and design of the play. The name of the play, itself suggests the importance of magic. The theatrical role to midsummer at stolon does not seem significant to the story. Why, then, did Shakespeare include it in the title? The reference to midsummer is actuallyan obscure clue of the events in the play. Midsummer is widely considered to be a time of magic and mystery. Such tales of end personified walking on Earth support this. The fact that this play is set in midsummer contributes to the qabalistic effect created by Shakespeare. This seems to be a direct and deliberate indication of magic, before you have even read the first devise. Another hint of the content of A Midsummer Nights Dream is the use of the word dream. Dreams are also widely considered to be a magical aspect of life. They are often understand and read by those who believe in magic.This, again, seems to suggest that magic will play a crucial role in the play. Even the word night could be interpreted as a reference to magic. Often especially in older writings magic plays a more vital role during the night, i. e. the hours of darkness. This is another obvious hint of magic, situated by Shakespeare before the play begins. This further reference to magic implements the role of magic as a theme in A Midsummer Nights Dream and highlights its criticalness to the story as a whole. In fact, Shakespeare actually seems to personify magic. After all, what is Puck?A implike being of magic that invokes supernatural events. This again is evidence of the importance of magic. Puck is often the character to intercommunicate magic upon other s resulting in a catastrophic yet comedic effect. Without the use of Pucks magic, the lovers would not have ended up falling in love with the wrong people, and as this is the main storyline in A Midsummer Nights Dream I think this is one of the most significant roles that magic plays and proves its necessity to the play. Magic, is therefore a significant factor of A Midsummer Nights Dream.It is woven into most of the subplots and plays an extremely important role in the main plot. In my opinion, it would have been impossible for Shakespeare to have written this play without including magic. Therefore, magic is almost decidedly the most important and essential theme of the A Midsummer Nights Dream. Shakespeare impresses this significance on us using all of the story lines in the play. It affects nature, physical appearance and even the mind. Magic is used both positively and negatively throughout the story. It is often the cause of problems, but ultimately it solves them.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Is One Per Cent Inspiration, Ninety- Nine Per Cent Perspiration Essay Example for Free

Is One Per Cent Inspiration, Ninety- Nine Per Cent Perspiration EssayIn our culture a lot of clock people advise us to comp ar ourselves with new(prenominal)s. You should be like your father, You after part gull on the others arent as good as you, You must be the go around of your class, etc., and this is not always the best way of thinking. There are many reasons to change this way of thinking and begin to compare ourselves except with ourselves. This is the way it should be, and in this paper I result discuss some of the most important reasons for this. The initiatory reason to avoid examine yourself with others is that there will be always someone better than you. It doesnt mater in which aspect, unless it is always true.Therefore, you could senseinferior to others and maybe without a real reason. For example, you can be an incredible architect and the best of your generation, and this can sacrifice you feel incredibly good, further if someday someone is bette r than you are, you could feel sad although you are still the comparable incredible architect that you were before. The succor reason to elude this kind of comparison is that you will always find someone worse than you, but as opposed to the first reason, this can make you feel better than the others, and this feeling can deed into a horrible pride.For example, if you are the second best student of your class, and one day the very best student leaves the school, you will then be the best one although you are still scarce as good as you were before. These two first reasons leads us to a third one If you want to be better than the others, you jadet need to improve yourself you only have to make the others look bad. If I want to be the leader of the group, but you are the leader now, what I need to do is to make you look like a traitor or stupid and then I can take your place. Then I will be better than you.A fourth reason to stop comparing ourselves is that the one who compares him/herself with others is judging, and this doesnt help us develop as human beings. Nobody knows the internal realness of the other nobody knows his/her story and his/her most deep intentions, and when we judge its harder to accept the others. The last but most important reason to avoid comparing ourselves with others is that when we do, we can be tempted to copy them, to do the same things, and to act and think like them. The problem with this is that if we copy someone, we will never know who we really are and what we really want, and then we will never grow spiritually.For all these reasons and because we are unique, we should not compare ourselves with others, only with ourselves. The only comparison pattern that we really have is our consciousness. So, if we use this pattern we will not feel less or more than others we will not try to make others look bad we will not judge so much and we will accept ourselves as we really are. In other words, we will live happier.Genius is on e per cent inspiration, ninety- nine per cent perspiration.This famous saying by Thomas Alva Edison is very relevant in our present day context.It means that it is hard work that makes a person agenius.Edison was of the view that geniuses are do, not born.I agree with his views.Not everyone in this world who has good passel is a genius.Usually we find that the people who work hard to achieve their goal are the ones who are successful.Many times while mentioning a person who is very successful we sayOhHe is a genius.But we dont think about the amount of hard work they have put in to watch in life. Most geniuses have made enormous efforts to equip themselves with special qualities. They all work highly hard. Successful people also have the inspiration which drives them to work hard.They usually look up to someone for motivation.It may be their parents or some other person.It is the combination of both inspiration and hard which brings an individual success. The first example I wou ld like to give is about Edison himself.Edison never completed his schooling in a proper school.His mother was a great influence on him and taught him at home. It was his mother who made him feel that hecould succeed in life.Therefore he started studying hard and invented many useul things like the bulb. next we have Dr.APJ Abdul Kalam who was greatly influenced by his father. He worked very hard in life and became a position scientist at the ISRO and later became the president of india. Abraham lincoln was a political genius who worked hard and fought against slavery.He lost two times in the presidential elections but he did not give up. He persevered and then he won the elections.Lincoln strongly admired Henry Clay.

Monday, April 8, 2019

Can feminism be thought of as a theory of law Essay Example for Free

green goddess womens liberation movement be thought of as a theory of police force EssayAs a concept, feminism is in truth much a modern notion within licit circles, which aims to eradicate any(prenominal) preconceived opinion against womens rights. This in a federation strongly founded upon a virile-orientated statutory trunk, which historic wholey fails to recognise the loving and legitimate rights of women, and instead focuses upon mannish-orientated theories and ideologies.1 It is this patriarchy that feminists thrive to eliminate. The essence of patriarchy is accented by the loss healthy theory, developed by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in the 19th blow, which places no emphasis upon g wind uper, and consequently belittles the feminists fight for gender equality. put with the starchy bolshie approach to juristic rule is the postmodernist dialect that offers a positive method acting of forcing individuals to confront and assortment the rigid contexts and social organisations (including laws) within which they have arbitrarily confined themselves.2The ideology of feminism is break apart into three distinct categories, all of which work towards one common goal of removing gender evils 1) Liberal feminism is grounded in classical liberal thinking that individuals should be free to develop their avow talents and be their own interests. Liberal feminists accept the basic organisation of our society but mark offk to expand the rights and opportunities of women. Liberal feminists confirm equal rights and oppose prejudice and discrimination that block the aspirations of women.3 2) Socialist feminism is an evolution from Marxist meshing theory, essentially made in reaction to the little attention Marx paying(a) to gender. Socialist feminists argue that the button-down family must(prenominal) be restructured to end domestic slavery in favour of some collective federal agency of carrying out housework and child c atomic number 18.The anchor to this goal, in turn, is a socialist vicissitude that creates a state-centred prudence operating to meet the needs of all. such a basic transformation of society requires that women and men pursue their personal liberation together, quite a than individually, as liberal feminists maintain.4 3) The third form of feminism is radical feminism. This, as the name suggests is the most extreme version of feminism, it disregards the liberal theory as superficial and inadequate,5 and they claim that counterbalance a socialist revolution would not end patriarchy.Radical feminists strive to create a society free from any gender inequality by completely abolishing the cultural notion of gender. To look at these three forms of feminism an observer would be ignorant to discard feminism as having no jural influence, as it is clear to see from these that support for much(prenominal) movements is vast and comes in various forms, all of which lash out the same enemy, patriarc hy, albeit in differing manners. These differing methods are accentuated by recent developments and movements in society, particularly in the 20th Century these crowd out be clearly highlighted by looking at the actions of the suffragettes in 1910, which illustrate a more active approach to campaigning.As previously mentioned feminist lawful theories are a contemporary concept, for this origin a radical new methodology in heavy theory is required in inn to encompass the new issues raised by feminism as a legal theory. Such a new methodology could be found in the faultfinding legal theory method, as it would be fit to incorporate feminist views such as the theory that a male-orientated appreciation of law emphasises identity and rights at the expense of female emphases upon interaction and cooperation.6 This approach is however, solely a theoretical one, and as such it does not entirely cover the needs of feminism, insofar as feminism is only partially and peripherally conce rned with academic theorising,7 the major part of the work of feminism is to promote the dissatisfactions of a full spectrum of women, which highlight the general inequality felt by women in regards to legal and social equality.Therefore critical legal studies, instead of acting as a definition, are rather a useful manner of indicating the explicit and implicit male orientation of law and legal administration and the resulting disadvantage and marginalisation a great deal suffered by women.8 This has led to the cite of three of import elements which personify a feminist legal theory. These area) asking the woman question, i.e. the extent of the presence and recognition of womens experience in lawb) feminist serviceable reasoning, pith a reasoning which proceeds from context and values difference and the experience of the unempowered andc) consciousness raising, meaning an exploration of the collective experience of women through a sharing of individual experiences.9These thre e elements, outlined higher up by Katherine T. Bartlett, are designed to act as the source for future feminist legal theory development, particularly in respect of womens outlook upon law with the intention of improving womens legal position in the future development or redevelopment of law.10The legal evolution, or, redevelopment, mentioned preceding(prenominal) is one in which women strive to see a revolution from an inherently male legal mindset implicitly discriminating against women because it is framed in terms of male experience which does not necessarily relate to that of women.11 That is to say, that in numerous situations women are judge to mirror full-time, long-term and unionised male workers, when in reality women digress from this norm insofar as their working patterns tend to be far more interrupted and part-time.From this a clear paradox is produced, as feminists while thriving to be treated as the males equal simultaneously require a miscellaneous from this norm in set up to account for their differing responsibilities. This attitude is stressed distinctly by the remarks of Joanne Conaghan and Louise Chudleigh, when they say, labour law some(prenominal) embodies and conceals the gender division of labour and, by focusing exclusively on the world of paid work, ignores the differing responsibilities of men and women.12Such inadequacies within the legal system are numerous and ironically even legal structures that aim to eradicate gender discrimination send packing be seen to be based upon analogies created from irrelevant, and sometimes outdated, male experience. An unmistakable example of this is the treatment of maternity leave as analogous to the sick leave of their male counterpart. This is coupled by the notion that parenting is predominantly the females role, which is highlighted by the very limited provisions for paternity leave.13 The underlying problem here is that, in order to be treated fairly and without any prejudice women a re required to meet a norm set by actual male experiences which by there very nature do not create a balanced equality, and thus existing legal standards and concepts disadvantage women14 as they scarce incorporate women into existing male-orientated legal structures, rather than recreating the legal structures so as to be established upon male and female requirements.The above mentioned sexual relationship between female legal theory and critical legal studies creates a clear enhancement, in regards to political knowledge and understanding of feminists legal argument, and consequently for the female legal theory. The noticeable thing to emphasise from this is the disadvantaging effect of concealed and frequently unrealized bias in a legal order which has for the most part developed from male rather than female experience,15 and has therefore produced a rather lopsided legal system in favour of men. This prejudice has now been identified, thanks to the relationship between criti cal legal studies and feminist legal theory, this identification can be perceived as a significant legal stepping stone towards a legal system that not only incorporates females, but is instead founded upon female and male experiences resulting in an equality which is not merely all encompassing in terms of a male perspective, but rather an equality that is derived from the experiences of two genders.Strongly contrasting the accommodating nature of critical legal studies in relation to female legal theories, are those theories of law and society created by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Their creation, Marxism, a derivative of a much older hypnotism by Immanuel Kant that stated that, every thesis has a contrary antithesis16 and that eventual resolution of these two unlike perspectives, through revolution, would end up creating an absolute understanding. This led to Marx placing specific importance upon an economic radical from which all things within society, both social and po litical, are merely superstructure.It is for this reason that Marxism has been described as being a distinctly materialistic theory. A strong contrast can be seen between the feminist legal theory, which bases its social beliefs at the apex of its legal structure, and the Marxist theory which states that social understanding is seen as an ideologic perception of the economic relations existing at a given time which will change as the underlying economic relationships alter.17 Here it is clear that a Marxist approach would place very little emphasis upon the social question of gender inequality, but would instead focus upon an economic foundation with the speculation that if a high enough proportion of society feel a need to append gender equality then a revolution would take place. For Marxism social revolution appears to be the innovation for the theory to develop. It would therefore appear to be a theory that shows little appreciation for social needs, such as those displayed by the female legal theory.For feminists to advance their legal theory through a Marxist approach, the attitude of socialist feminists, as discussed above, would have to be adopt. That is to say that the bourgeois family must be restructured to end domestic slavery in favour of some collective means of carrying out housework and childcare. The key to this goal, in turn, is a socialist revolution that creates a state-centred economy operating to meet the needs of all. Such a basic transformation of society requires that women and men pursue their personal liberation together, rather than individually, as liberal feminists maintain.18 This once again highlights the idea of a union between both genders, encompassing experiences from both so as to enable females not only to be incorporated into an existing legal structure but instead to recreate a legal structure based upon the needs and experiences of both genders.A legal theory that promotes the liberating philosophy required in order to create a society able to accept the alterations needed to adequately unify both genders in a legal experience is the postmodern legal theory. This theory, commonly portrayed as a recipe for relativism,19 also displays the characteristics needed in order to force individuals to confront and change the rigid contexts and structures (including laws) within which they have arbitrarily confined themselves.20 In this sense it is the ideal method for women to promote and execute the installation of their female legal theory. As it would not only tolerate an amendment in the law to integrate women into existing law, but more than this it would allow them to change the rigid contexts and structures mentioned above, which have prevented the advancement of gender equality within the legal structure.However, postmodernism also raises some problems in relation to feminist jurisprudence. Hilaire Barnett states that there must be developed critiques which reject the universalist, foundational ist, philosophical and political understanding offered by modernismand in its place there exists diversity, plurality, competing rationalities, competing perspectives and uncertainty as to the potentiality of theory.21 In general, here she is saying that women must resist generalising their condition within society, and instead focus upon the multiplicity of subjectivities, identities, which inhere in the individual.22Overall, I count feminism to be undoubtedly fundamental in some way. The critical legal theory discussed above shows how society has failed to display mutuality, not only towards women as members of society but towards men and women, through an outlawed discriminatory selectivity, generate alienation and, ultimately, disfunctionality in the working of a legal order.23 This inequality has led to the recognition of three fundamental elements which personify a feminist legal theory. Resistance is however, met by a Marxist legal theory, which displays very little appreci ation of gender issues. However, a feminist theory could be adopted through the Marxist bourgeois revolutionary approach, which would see both genders uniting in a revolution to change the pre-adopted norms of society.This idea of changing preconceived rules and laws within society would allow a feminist legal theory to develop, an idea given weight to by the postmodern legal theory, which also places special emphasis upon withdrawing from a united generalisation of women and instead focusing upon them as individuals. Therefore, I would argue that feminism can be thought of as a theory of law, albeit not on the same scale as other theories previously mentioned, such as Marxism. But its rapid evolution and recent political and legal enhancement within society makes it a theory with considerable weight, and certainly a theory fundamental in some way.1 casebook on canon Hilaire McCoubrey and Nigel D. White2 textbook on Jurisprudence Hilaire McCoubrey and Nigel D. White3 Sociology A Global creation John J. Macionis and Ken Plummer4 Sociology A Global Introduction John J. Macionis and Ken Plummer5 Resisting Patriarchy The Womens Movement and Feminism6 Textbook on Jurisprudence Hilaire McCoubrey and Nigel D. White7 Dworkin, Which Dworkin? Taking Feminism Seriously in P. Fitzpatrick and A. Hunt, eds., little profound Studies (Oxford Basil Blackwell, 1987), p.47.)8 Textbook on Jurisprudence Hilaire McCoubrey and Nigel D. White9 Katherine T. Bartlett, Feminist licit mode (1970) 103 Harv L Rev, 82910 Katherine T. Bartlett, Feminist Legal Method (1970) 103 Harv L Rev, 82911 Textbook on Jurisprudence Hilaire McCoubrey and Nigel D. White12 Women in Confinement Can Labour Law Deliver the Goods? In Critical Legal Studies, p. 133 at p. 137.13 Textbook on Jurisprudence Hilaire McCoubrey and Nigel D. White14 Feminist Legal Methods (1970) 103 Harv L Rev , p.829 at p.837.15 Textbook on Jurisprudence Hilaire McCoubrey and Nigel D. White16 Textbook on Jurisprudence Hilaire McCoubrey and Nigel D. White17 Textbook on Jurisprudence Hilaire McCoubrey and Nigel D. White18 Sociology A Global Introduction John J. Macionis and Ken Plummer19 Textbook on Jurisprudence Hilaire McCoubrey and Nigel D. White20 Textbook on Jurisprudence Hilaire McCoubrey and Nigel D. White21 H. Barnett, Introduction to Feminist Theory (London Cavendish Publishers, 1998, p. 180.22 H. Barnett Introduction to Feminist Jurisprudence, pp. 1179-8023 Textbook on Jurisprudence Hilaire McCoubrey and Nigel D. White

Sunday, April 7, 2019

A Range Of Problems In The Future Essay Example for Free

A Range Of Problems In The Future EssayThe world go out have to allot with a range of problems in the futureThe world will inevitably change as eon continues to expose the pasts perception of the future to the now. As the earth ages, generations to come adapt to the red-hot world they perceive to be as It is near impossible for every(prenominal) p atomic number 18nt to educate their four-year-old on everything they have ever learned thus attitudes and morals are continually fluctuating. It is undeniable that it has already affected friendship it is observable throughout forthwiths problems that were never pondered upon by older generations much(prenominal) as the rapid advances in technology. The future can only change, and will encounter many dilemmas along the counselling.Earth already has an overwhelming follow of human inhabitants, and the worlds population continues to increase. Many muckle do non want to acknowledge the problem, but ignorance will not chang e the inevitable consequences of overpopulation. No animal species can exist without adequate food, water, shelter and other essential resources and humans are not exempt from this rule. When the human population exceeds the resources needed to sustain it, the same thing that happens to any overpopulated species nature will reduce the population through famine, disease, interspecies fighting or a combination of either one. That naturalism has already affecting people in some Third World countries. Because of cultural, political and religious attitudes, around no world leader is willing to acknowledge the problem, much less take the necessary go to resolve it.The underlying cause of almost every environmental problem in the world today is human overpopulation. Air pollution, water shortages, habitat loss, extinctions, and invasive species all are caused or intensified from having as well many people in the world. Humans are unique among all animal species in having the cogency to solve even a monumental problem like overpopulation. This awareness is existent in George Orwells 1984, the effects of extreme totalitarian society have stripped societys resources and forced them to belong in a dystopian environment full of pollution and overpopulation. Such a situation of topical anesthetic overpopulation has existed since the dawn of adult male and is slowly becoming a global existential problem.Technology today has change the world and changed how people live in their day to day lives. As advances in technology are generally perceived to be an advantage, it can enable the most malevolent evil. The realm of communications has besides seen immense change. People are provided with new ways to communicate with each other, such(prenominal) as e-mail and instant messaging which can pose as a breach of privacy if used for the wrongfulness intentions. Documents placed on the internet are sources of information for the rest of the world, and will forever leave a d igital footprint. Global positioning satellites allow us to track our exact location and find our way to various destinations such accessible conveniences can alter the future in foretelling ways. George Orwells 1984, illustrates a dystopian society ruled by a totalitarian government.This extreme realization portrays a government with absolute power, in which controls every aspect of human life development a number of dehumanising techniques. Orwells dark vision poses as a foreshadowing notice, which thoroughly explores the consequences of advanced technology and its misuse. As Oceanias mechanical citizens are constantly monitored using microphones and surveillance, expunges their right to privacy and to make choices. It is clear that the innovations of technology could escalate out of control, leaving society with no defence against it. Thus, it will ultimately destroy humanity in the pursuit of absolute power.The discovery of desoxyribonucleic acid has the possibility to lead to major social and scientific issues in society. With new advances in technology, there are increases in the consequences that the new technology will allow. It is evident in Andrew Niccols film Gattaca that the more powerful genetic engineering becomes the more helpful and foul it develops. The film depicts a society ruled by genoism, where your genetics decide your social class in the world with a stressed need for perfectionism. This depressing image where there is no determinism for fate or influence for ethical standards eliminates the right for freedom of choice, that people freely and obliviously exhaust today.The consequences of selective breeding solutions are frequently addressed in past and modern literature. In Jurassic Park, a scientist exhumes and modifies dinosaur DNA to then create an island inhabited by dinosaurs. Consequently, the impact of unnaturally producing a breed that has been extinct for a long period of time threatened the rest ofthe human races existence. It is clear that such meticulous science created in the wrong hands has the potential to impact the world permanently.Similarly, a excite futuristic concept that threatens to dominate society is totalitarianism. The objective of totalitarian government is to limit and regulate every aspect of public and private life. George Orwells novel, 1984, exemplifies a society lacking in freedom and expression. His fancied society in the year 1984 stands as a metaphor for a totalitarian society. Communication, personal beliefs, and study loyalty are controlled by the inner party which governs the people of Oceania in order to keep society from rebelling. The concept of also controlling the personal beliefs of the citizens promotes totalitarianism by limiting the form of any activated or individual expression. The citizens of Oceania were forced to work long days which limited self-expression because they were too exhausted to do anything else.Oceania, where protagonist Winston Smith lives, is ruled by the INGSOC. BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU, the main party guide word of Oceania which makes clear that every action you make is all seen by Big Brother, the big leader. The Inner Party, controlled by Big Brother, dictates several aspects of the peoples life. As a society, Oceania are completely brain wash by the continuous propaganda which is based on false news, a new language which reduces the capacity of using words in a double sensed way named Newspeak and indoctrination, this newborn dialect empowers and respects INGSOC. The overall concept is designed to control personal beliefs of the citizens by limiting their form of expression. Essentially, controlling the communication aligns with the undemocratic aspects of governing. George Orwell envisioned the lack of communication could possibly result to total dominance and control of the people.As elaboration moves toward the point where human life will be irreversibly transformed, it will also have to strike the po tential problems that are carried along with any advancement in technology and government. All of these possibilities portray a pessimistic view of the future which has the potential to accrue into tremendous issues of whom the world will have to grapple.

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Domestic monetary systems Essay Example for Free

Domestic monetary systems testifyWith a population of 170 million, the Islamic Republic of Pakistan is strategicalally located in South Asia, share borders with India to the East, China to the North East, Afghanistan to the North West and Iran to the West. To the south lies the Arabian Sea, this professionalvides close proximity to the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries. The sphere is predominantly Muslim with a major portion of the population (65%) residing in the rural areas.Although significant work out has been made in recent years, the nation still lags behind as far as companionable infrastructure and human development are concerned. (Bajwa, 1999) Structure of Government and Politics The constitution of the country, promulgated in 1973, holds out the country as a parliamentary democracy with all powers vested in the parliament. However, for much of the historical decade, Pakistan was run along the lines of a military dictatorship, with parliament numbfishs ervient to the ch line of descent soul and vast powers vested in his self. aft(prenominal) the gradual transfer of power to democratic forces fol belittleding an election on the 18th of February, the resignation of public (Retd) Pervaiz Musharraf, and the election of Asif Ali Zardari as the new President, parliament is go overing the balance of power between the Presidential Palace and the Parliament Ho give and it is expected that, soon, the country would revert back to the old format of the President being a ceremonial Head of State and the Prime Minister cartroad the country independently with Parliament backing.(Malik, 2001) At present, there is a coalition giving medication in place that comprises the Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP). It is led by the President of the country, Asif Ali Zardari, who happens to be the widower of famed democratic leader Benazir Bhutto, assassinated by terrorist elements during an election rally in the city of Rawalpindi last year. Other coalition partners include the MQM (Muthaida Quami Movement translated as linked subject field Movement) and the ANP (Awami National Party).The Opposition is deeply divided and primarily consists of the Pakistan Muslim League (Q) and the Pakistan Muslim League (N). The briny government activityal issues on the domestic front are, as mentioned above, the repealing of anti democratic laws enacted as part of the constitution by the outgoing military regime and the issue of the deposed judges of the supreme court that were sacked by the creator military regime when they refused to remain faunas. Apart from this, there is the dire issue of reconciliation between neglected provinces.However, the inability of the new coalition government to actively address issues of popular appeal and an over madness in issues of power sharing and power consolidation lend it ever decreasing credibility in the eyes of the general public. Although the new government has been in power for almost an year, its performance has been dismal. The popular statute of democracy that has shot the PPP and its coalition partners into power has non been implemented. The Prime Minister, Yousuf Reza Gillani, remains a puppet and the Presidential Palace remains the main power fort.Despite the fact that the opposition is ready to aliment the government on national issues, such as the rein adducement of deposed judges and the repealing of undemocratic laws, the government has so far shown quiet restraint to address these issues. Foreign Policy Pakistans impertinent policy has been marked by a complex balancing processthe result of its history, religious heritage, and geographic position. The primary objective of that policy has been to preserve Pakistans territorial reserve integrity and security, which have been in jeopardy since the states inception. (US Library of Congress) The aforementioned paragraph adequately describes Pakistans foreign policy ever since it came on the map of the world in 194 7. Being predominantly Muslim, the country finds itself sentimentally attached to the Islamic World, in particular the Middle East. A ontogeny country, lacking skilled hands and capital to exploit the wealth of natural resources that its lands have been bestowed with, the countrys foreign policy has had to pretend in account the economical impact that relations with other countries can have.Moreover, traditional enmity with the titan neighbor on its eastern borders (India) has forced it to raise balancing measures with staying in the good books of China and reinforcement pro Pakistan elements in Afghanistan. (Bajwa, 1999) Pakistans foreign policy is deeply aligned with the United States goal of War on terror. After the September 11 attacks, Pakistan renounced terrorism and became a frontline state in the war against terrorism. The country is the main supply route to NATO forces stationed in Afghanistan and is a major non NATO US ally.Despite this close alignment with the Unit ed States, the country often finds itself in a tricky situation when it comes to its tribal belt bordering Afghanistan. These areas are largely unregulated since in dependance from the British in 1947, operate with full autonomy while pledging allegiance to Islamabad. Pakistan is demonic for not doing enough to quell terrorist incursions from these tribal areas. Tribes here are said to be providing safe havens to terrorist and Taliban elements with the conjecture that the top brass of Al Qaeda and the Taliban is hiding here.NATO led forces have made several air strikes in the area which Pakistan declares as encroachment on its sovereignty but takes little steps to correct these tribal belts. Part of this inaction is based on the fact that a stable Afghanistan, aligned with India is not in the best interests of Pakistan. Traditional enmity with India over the Jammu Kashmir disputed territory has led the two countries to conflict three full scale wars in 1948, 1965 1971 and one limited war in 1999. Pakistan perceives a pro Pakistan Afghan government or an unstable Afghanistan as a hedge against encirclement by India.It is this terror to its security that leads it to, introvert if not extrovertly, refrain from taking any drastic steps to quell those destabilizing elements in Afghanistan that originally emanate from its terrotiry. (Bajwa, 1999) On the economic front, Pakistan is primarily an tradeer of frameworks accounting to about 57% of the countrys exports. Prime marts are North America and Europe. Good relations are important with these two blocks of nations as they provide muckle facilitation and, at the same time, financial aid with soft loans and aid to help in fond and economic development.Remittances also play an important part in the countrys balance of payments and a large amount of Pakistanis work in the Middle East, Europe and America. The countrys foreign policy also has to take account of these factors. (Malik, 2001) Thus, to sum up, as implied earlier, the countrys foreign policy is driven by its perceived security threat, religious affiliation with the Islamic fraternity of nations and the dependence upon economic aid and facilitation by friendly countries.While the policy has been largely successful in maintaining the countrys territorial (if we exclude the secession of East Pakistan in 1971 ascribable to Indian intervention) integrity and safeguarding its economic interests, continuing on such lines indefinitely is not an option and it is important that the country makes a strategic review of its policy and seek alternative ways of addressing outstanding issues. Domestic Monetary Systems Speaking In purely policy-making economic impairment, the government of technocrats that took power in October 1999 was faced with a huge crisis. pipeline confidence was low, investors were hesitant and the scrimping seemed to be heading for a deeper depression. Political legitimacy for the regime was other issue. Quite sm artly, the policy makers whence decided to lower interest judge. The idea was that low interest place would encourage private sector borrowing, push up aggregate demand, increase corporate sector profitability, help in the generation of employment and quite importantly provide legitimacy to the regime. The concept to create this mawkish boom was not a bad idea at all, but the fact that this approach solo stocks problem for the future are alarming.While banking is referred to as the refined management of specie, during the last 9 years, the country bore witness to the greatest mismanagement of scarce resources in the history of the country. The rise of consumer banking in an undocumented economy meant that people borrowed cheap and spent it on unproductive activities like buying consumables, investment funds on a volatile stock market vacationing in Europe. New investment in capital was made, but the bulk of the corporate sector used the low interest rates to any replace exis ting machinery or reschedule existing loans at cheaper rates.Thus, the economy was inflated by the use of an expansionary monetary policy that increased the dependence on oil and raise. Worse, the effect is more severe as a high proportion of petroleum consumption is used by private car owners. Had the government tried to balance total economic and social benefit with total economic and social costs, by for example, encouraging public transport as opposed to private car ownership, the economy would have been little affected by the oil price hikes.Switching to Compressed Natural Gas was instead provided as a viable alternative but the result was lower gas supply for domestic and industrial use. Today, the Pakistani economy is representative of an over inflated balloon and attempts to deflate it are having serious repercussions. The state bank of Pakistan has raised interest rates to 15. 5% in attempt to curb inflation running as high as 20%. Measures have been introduced to reduce the money supply. This would help ease inflationary pressures on the demand side.However the argument goes that high interest rates would discourage investment, lead to low problem confidence result in excessive saving as people would consume little and save more. This would mean that a general glut would appear in the economy with high inventories and light capacity. Unless there is adequate demand outside the economy, employment levels may fall and output would decrease, leading to make headway slow suppuration, possibly complete stagnation.Given the current world economic scenario, with recession in the US, the sub prime mortgage crisis, competition from low cost producers such as China and India and the overall geo political scenario, monetary contraction is only making matters worse. Another important problem is the fact that unethical business practices like cartelization and hoarding are ever prevalent in this country. Moreover, the country is highly dependent upon impo rts of fuel and other items to aid its industries. Thus, a major portion of the inflation that the country faces is cost push in nature.However, the aim remains to target aggregate demand. (Janjua, 2008) This policy of the government makes some sense as the economy is artificially inflated. However, by not targeting the cost push factors and solely targeting the demand factors by reducing money supply, the government is not helping consumer and business confidence. The governments inaction can be explained by two reasons. First, the country has recently obtained a hefty loan of USD 7. 6 billion from the IMF. A check out of this loan is to restrict money supply further.This is typical of many IMF financings which focus on monetary advancement as opposed to the level of unemployment and GDP growth. Secondly, many of the cartels have representation in the government and due to the absence of a strict legal system any action against them is made impossible. Foreign trading A very int eresting scenario is presented in the Economic survey of Pakistan 2007-8, which states that exports suffer from serious structural issues which require to be addressed primarily by the industry itself, with government playing its role of a facilitator. It then goes on to tell how textiles are the most important contributor to exports (56. 67%) and the issues that the industry faces as a result of its inability to innovate, become efficient and embrace fashion trends in its primary foreign markets. A new surprise is found in the face of food items (the country is running out of water system, by the way) accounting for 13% of total exports, petroleum products (meager resources at best) accounting for 6% of total exports, manufactured leather products 3. 7% and chemicals and pharma products almost 3. 27% of total exports.Aggregate these and you find that the top five exports make up 83% of total exports. (Ministry of Finance, 2008) The point of doing this summary is to show that as a n economy Pakistan is heavily undecided to, what is called in financial management terminology, unsystematic risk. Its lack of transformation makes it more prone to microeconomic shocks in the prime exports that it makes. Another worrying problem is the name of trade, (a monetary measure of the price of exports upon the price of imports). Sadly, whereas the terms of trade were highly in favor of Pakistan until 1998-99 (115.7), they have since then nose dived to stand at 58. 35 (2007-8). What this implies is that although the country has been exporting a lot more in volume, in order terms, international trade is fit increasingly disadvantageous for Pakistan. Even if you take the effect of rising oil prices out of this analysis, the terms of trade had, never the less had fallen to 73. 6 by 2004-5. This lack of value addition makes us it more suspect to microeconomic level industry shocks that could further damage its standing in the export market.(Ministry of Finance, 2008) The p reviously mentioned most accurately describes the Pakistani governments policy towards foreign trade. Although it has been working tirelessly to gain access to markets in Asia, Europe and North America for its export industries, the emphasis has remained towards increasing textile exports. This support of textiles and untaught items to a certain extent has not fared well for other industries and sectors. Export diversity is low and so is value addition.Moreover, the country has not been able to reposition itself with regard to reliance on imports. So in so, that even though the country is an agricultural country by definition, due to unworthy harvests and lack of support, in certain years, we see that staple food items are imported by this agricultural country. Although natural consequences favor that Pakistan produces and exports textiles and food items, unfortunately, but both these industries have certainly lost their efficiency at doing the job that is intended of them.The te xtile industrys inability to change coupled with power shortages and political nightmares and our lack of water resources for agriculture coupled with reluctance from commercial banks to serve this sector means that there should be a policy change at the federal level. The high level of competition that these industries face means that the government has to take steps not only to help these industries blossom and at least maintain their market share, but to ensure that comparative advantage is exploited in other fields as well.The Pakistani government has been providing support to the traditional industries for some time now with mixed results. Therefore, instead of a locating quo wait and see policy, a change is warranted. Thus, a policy shift should be made towards growth of value adding, job and export oriented activities. Exchange Rate Policy Interest rate comparison and purchasing power parity holds that changes in veer rates between currencies can be explained by differences in interest rates and inflation rates respectively between countries.Building on this premise, the rupee Dollar (PKRUSD) trade rate remained range bound between PKR 59/USD to PKR 62/ USD for almost 8 years, starting 2000. The reason was that the country followed a managed float, with the central bank intervening in the market whenever the exchange rate would go out of range. This was happening against the backdrop of the fact that interest rates and inflation rates were considerably high in Pakistan and the currency was expected to depreciate. (State Bank of Pakistan) This managed float policy changed in azoic 2008 when the new government took power and the country reverted to a floating system.The rupee has since lost 33% of its value against the US dollar and currently stands at PKR 80/USD. (State Bank of Pakistan) The current policy is more true-to-life(prenominal) in its economic nature as the country, lacking substantial foreign currency reserves and a permanent balance of payment deficit could not continue to support an artificially strong exchange rate. Furthermore, this new policy of floating exchange rate systems will benefit the country with regard to its exports becoming cheaper when priced in USD. However, whether demand for the countrys exports picks up is another issue.More over, the effect of the rise in the prices of imports also has to be considered as many inputs in the production process are imported. Conclusion The analysis of Pakistans monetary, foreign trade, exchange rate and foreign policy reveals the tendency in many developing countries to take decisions regarding economy based on politics. The short term benefits include lending credibility to the person in power, but the long term effects are almost always devastating. References Bajwa Naseem, F. (1999) Pakistan A historic and Contemporary Look. Karachi Oxford University Press.Asif Malik, M. (2001). Ideology and Dynamics of Pakistan. Karachi Publishers emporium. Lipsey G. , H. Harbury, C. (1992) First Principles of Economics. London Oxford University Press. Library Of Congress. For Researchers. Retrieved from http//www. loc. gov/rr/ State Bank Of Pakistan. Publications Financial stability Review. Data File Retrieved from http//www. sbp. org. pk/fsr/2006/index. htm Janjua Ashraf, M. (2008).. Government Borrowing and State Banks Authority. The Daily Dawn Economic and Business review Retrieved 12th december 2008 from http//www. dawn. com/2008/11/24/ebr14. htm