
Thursday, April 18, 2019

Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Group Therapy Quantitative Essay

Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Group Therapy Quantitative Analysis oblige - Essay ExampleThis paper aims at establishing the authors potentiality in utilizing the main question methodologies to conduct the proposed explore on cognitive behavioral group therapy in promoting performance among college students. Article on Quantitative Analysis Article 1 Ilkhchi, S., Poursharifi H., and Alilob, M 2011 The effectiveness of Cognitive-Behavioral Group Therapy on self-efficacy and assertiveness among loathsome female students of high schools, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 30 2586 2591. This article primarily focusses on the effectiveness of cognitive behavioral group therapy on promoting self-efficacy and assertiveness among nauseated female students of high schools. Analysis of Research brain This article seeks to answer the question of how effective is cognitive behavioral group therapy on promoting self-efficacy and assertiveness among anxious female students of high schools. The research paper first asserts that high school students particularly girls are predisposed to various stressors that make them prone to stress. The research paper asserts that effective therapy methods can be employ to elevate assertiveness and self-efficacy thereby preparing students for better academic performance (Beck, Epstein, Brown, & Steer, 1988). The research paper makes it clear that counseling in high schools is indeed an important activity and it should be encouraged. The researcher of this article has used interviews to collect data, used quantitative method to analyze the data and then interpret the research findings thereby answering the research question. Methodology Used The research article has taken on quantitative research methodology. A illustration sample of high school girls, who have demonstrated various anxiety symptoms according to a present standard, are selected for the study (Colter, & Guerra, 1976). Their anxiety levels are predete rmined and recorded. The students are then exposed to counseling therapy for a given time after which the anxiety levels are determined again. The values are analyzed exploitation SPSS method and research findings presented in figures. Quantitative research methodology is a research method that seek to establish the reasons why certain phenomenon occurs the way they do (Jacobs, & Cochran, 1980). The research was aimed at establishing why people train anxiety from low self-efficacy and non-assertiveness through cognitive behavior group therapy (CGBT). Findings From the studies conducted, it was established that the mean of self-efficacy and assertiveness were in cross range. The level of anxiety in every individual was found to have a rail correlation with his or her scores of self-efficacy and assertiveness. The selected population was found to have means of 37.13, 31.53 and 34.66 for interventions, placebo and control respectively. The standard aside or deviation of each sample for the mean was found to be 9.53, 3.39 and 5.85 for each of the three settings respectively. conceive for self-efficacy and assertiveness were found to be 47.26 and 92.86. Standard deviations fro the different cases were found to be 10.06 and 24.84 respectively. Discussions The study was conducted to establish CBGT for assertiveness and self-efficacy among high school students. According to the findings, anxious students have strong

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