
Tuesday, April 16, 2019

The development of an individual Essay Example for Free

The development of an individualist EssayIncome, money is forever a problem when theres not enough of it, Money will always have an impact on peoples lives, In the UK there argon millions of people still living in poverty, even with all the benefit schemes in place. Physically Adults with a low with a low income whitethorn be slightly more overweight than someone with a high income ascribable to the fact that they cannot throw money on gyms, healthy foods and so on, if they have children theyre most likely to follow the same way. Its been prove that those who live in poorer aras dont live as long. Intellectually With the education today (mainly universities) prices ar increasing largely.Those who are the lower class wont benefit as much as those whom are in the higher class. This includes both teenagers and adults. Emotionally Not bringing in a lot of money can motivate you seriously it can make you depressed, worried, sad, it may also make you lose motivation instead of gaining it. existence an adult you have larger responsibilities than a teenager, Adults with a family have to support each person at heart that family and with a low income this can dumbfound impossible. Socially Younger people will find it harder in these areas due to the appearance the present and it may end up in conflict towards society i.e. gangs, robberies, do drugs dealing and so on. Where as adults have the whole financial problems on the shoulders. No matter what they do theyll always be stuck for money, which then also impacts their childrens lives. Nutrition and dietary choices, its always in the media telling us how to look what to eat what to wear, but who said people have to look a certain way, I agree yes that if you are overweight youre cutting your years shorter however theres people out there that are that perfect Size-Zero who may smoke or drink excessive amount of alcohol which probably shortens your life even more.Physically Both adults and teenagers may be able to do more things such as sports and so on. If an adult smokes or drinks they are lowering the lung capacity and heightening the risk of cancer. Intellectually It may persuade you to go to work or get a job in the first place, due to you mood and how much you like to socialise with people. Most people who are doing more manual jobs are more likely to smoke rather than those who work in offices and so on. Emotionally Diets arent all that spoilt they can improve your moods and make you feel great about yourself, but they can also do the opposite if you cant lose the weight that you want to.Adults and teenagers are getting similar in impairment of dieting, most adult want to look good and teenagers are now starting to read the media and become anxious about how they look. Socially You may also socialise a lot more than normal as well especially if you go to gyms on a regular basis, youre bound to meet upstart people and make friends. Even though its bad for your health, smo kers are more likely to meet new people due to the smoking ban and having to go outside.

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