
Monday, April 22, 2019

The Use of Social Media on Small and Medium Hospitality Enterprise Essay

The Use of accessible Media on Small and Medium Hospitality Enterprise - Essay ExampleMoreover, all the bedrooms and other cordial reception services of the organizations are highly decorated that would attract the tourists at large. It is also detect that High Beeches is unrivaled of such(prenominal) SMTEs, which extensively expenditured the notion of social media in order to generate greater ken about is respective products and/or services to the worldwide customers. Besides this, the organization has also undertaken the strategy of promoting its products and/or services by selling and distributing done Trip Advisors and others. Contextually, in order to undergo a triple-crown study of the topic with regards to High Beeches B&B as the organization, a literature review is performed through the support of relevant and recent scholarly articles. Furthermore, a case study of the selected SMTE i.e. High Beeches B&B is conducted by using the approach of qualitative methodology wi th the greater focus on secondary sources. In this regard, for the successful completion of the case study, the current scenario of the SMTE has been comprehensively studied. It also includes the identification of the problems faced by the SMTE relating to the use of social media for promoting its respective products and/or services. Finally, certain effective solutions have also been framed for resolving such problems in the form of providing recommendations and a valid conclusion has been made in the lasts section pertaining to the case study. In this modern era of a competitive business environment and the evolution of pioneering technological advancements with regards to communication, it is often observed that a majority of the corporate houses of this contemporary world use social media networking sites to promote their respective products and/or services. The use of social media for promoting the products is equally applicable for the SMTEs.

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