
Sunday, January 26, 2014

Stem Cell Research: A Report

paper electric prison cell query is the future of medicine. Stem cells hold the cures to some(prenominal) diseases, such as diabetes, paralysis and maybe even up crabby person. However, free radical cells be a study issue in the coupled States at this current time. thither are many heap for and against the research of these valuable cells, in which scientists have only incisively begun to explore. One can enamour through studying these staggering cells that they hold much grandeur and to largey determine them a person must step into the cognizance lab and look out their greatness. The main question is what are group cells and what future do they hold for patients suffering incurable diseases and injuries? In 1988, the Stanford professor of pathology and cancer biology, Irving Weissman, reported having isolated blood-forming still hunt cells from mice (Embryonic). This was the beginning of stem cell research. This was the period where scientists knew they had th e ability to research stem cells and make love that they were not hunting for something that wasnt there. after(prenominal) Weissmans accomplishments in 1988, four years afterwards in 1992 he isolated stem cells from humans (Embryonic). These amazing achievements were extremely rewarded with the hopes that stem cells would help cure or comprehend patients with such diseases as Alzheimers, Parkinsons disease, Multiple Sclerosis, patients who have been paralyzed, and maybe even victims of cancers. To understand what stem cells are you must know what they do. As defined by the Webster Dictionary, a stem cell is an unspecialized cell that gives rise to differentiate cells. A differentiated cell is a cell that is specialized for a certain(a) aspect of the body, such as heart cells or liver-colored cells (Stem Cell Basics). Stem cells have 2 important characteristics that distinguish them from former(a) types of cells. First, they are unspecialized cells that... If you want to distur! b a full essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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