
Sunday, January 26, 2014

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs within Lord of the Flies Essay about book: Lord of the Flies by: William Golding

Abraham Maslow formulated a theory of a hierarchy of posits, stating that he believed that human beings argon motivated by unsatisfied or incomplete leases. In his theory there are aboriginal levels of certain motifs in which lower occupys need to be satisfied before higher needs boot out be achieved. The five needs are physiologic, safety, love, esteem, and self-actualization. Maslows Hierarchy of consider applies to many of the characters in Lord of the Flies, such as Piggy, Ralph, and maw, and shows how they are affected when their needs are unsatisfied.         The lowest and basic need of Maslows Hierarchy of Needs is physiological needs, which are the necessity of air, wet, food, sleep, and shelter. throughout the novel, the majority of the boys acquired all of their physiological needs. There were three shelters strengthened of tree branches, logs, and leaves. The boys slept in the shelters at night for warmth and a sense of home. Many of the younger boys munched on the fruits they picked in the arse camp and everyone ate roasted pig which Jack and his hunters slaughtered periodically. The boys in addition modify up coconut shells with water and placed them beneath trees and in the shade of the jungle to be chilled and drank when necessary. Since the boys alleviated their physiological needs, they were fit to think about other needs, such as safety.         The aid need of Maslows Hierarchy of Needs is the necessity for safety, which is rampart and maintaining benefit part creating stability in a hugger-mugger world. One of Ralphs prime(prenominal) instincts was to maintain safety by searching and exploring the island with Jack and Simon for anything or anyone who could possibly pose a threat to their social welfare while inhabiting the island. Also, Piggy and Ralph find a conch in the water on the... If you want to get a full essay, swan it on our web site: OrderCustomPaper.com

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