
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Youth Leadership and Development

IntroductionThis account presents a national profile of youth problems and a literature recap that focuses on the causes of each of the problem areas and freshen ups what is live about preventive measures and the effectiveness of existing intervention strategies. Conclusions from this review encourage a paradigm shift in posture away from a focus on correcting deficits in soulfulness youths toward enhancing the potential for healthy youth development in all(prenominal) youths in the community. Enactment of a youth development deal requires a communitywide collaborative effort among public officials, current assistant interpretrs, original institutions (such as churches, recreational facilities, libraries, and schools), and citizens (including youths themselves). In the past a few(prenominal) years, some(prenominal)(prenominal) comprehensive community initiatives have begun across the country. This paper discusses several of these. Although they have not existed long e nough to gather up conclusive evaluation results, their attempts to forge collaborative relationships can depart lessons for other communities. Risk factors for Youth Leadership substance garble exist at both the environmental and individual levels (Hawkins, Catalano, & vitamin A; Associates, 1992; Hawkins, Catalano, &type A; Miller, 1992). These include economic and social deprivation, low neighborhood attachment and community disorganization, transitions and mobility, community norms, attitudes favorable toward do do drugss use, drug and alcohol availability, family history of alcoholism or drug use, woeful family management practices, academic failure, low commitment to school, first antisocial behavior and aggressiveness, association with drug-using coadjutors, favorable attitudes toward drug and alcohol use, and wee first use of drugs. Protective factors, which have been shown to prevent self-willed neglect and violence, include strong attachments to adults, schoo l, positive peers, and the community (Hawkin! s, Catalano, & Associates, 1992). Interventions aimed at changing youths attitudes toward drugs and enhancing their social skills to make them more foul to peer pressure have not achieved a sustain decrement in the use of drugs and alcohol... If you want to get a profuse essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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