
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Describe and Evaluate Cognitive Treatments for Ocd

The cognitive explanation for OCD starts from the observation that everybody at some clock time has undesirable thoughts that they would be ashamed to admit (e.g. to the highest decimal point of us worry at times about touch something dirty). The surmise suggests that people with OCD have a cognitive twist, incoherent thought patters. The cognitive therapy for OCD helps the individual change their simulated persuasion by encouraging them to use counter-statements in come out to change prejudicial, irrational thinking. For example if the worst happened is it true that I would non be able to handle it?, this would enable negative and irrational thoughts to be dispelled. Cognitive therapy alone only addresses the obsessive theatrical role of the disorder, not the compulsion component. However, when used aboard behavioral therapies (it is accordingly known as CBT) it is found a fairly useful method of treating OCD. Graziano and Mooney demonstrated the effectiveness of CBT; 17 children with a affright of the dark were taught self-relaxation techniques, self-reinforcement and to recite brave self-statements. This carry was compared to a group with no treatment. The results showed that the CBT treated group of children showed signifi fourth part endt improvement in their fear of the dark, which was maintained over one-third years, therefore demonstrating CBTs effectiveness to treat OCD. However, although CBT is successful Graziano and Mooney could not identify which is the most effective factor (self-relaxation/ self-reinforcement/ reciting brave self-statements). An utility of cognitive treatments for OCD is that CBT put up be carried out outback(a) the therapeutic environment, and therefore can continue to be developed. some other advantage of cognitive treatments for OCD is that there is lots of empirical severalize to support cognitive therapy, which is change magnitude when combined with behavioural treatments for OCD. However, a disadvantage of cognitive treatments for ! OCD is that it is serious to separate the cause of the...If you want to get a well(p) essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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